you must afford aquarium supplies
you must afford aquarium supplies
you must afford aquarium supplies You Must Afford Aquarium Supplies If you are considering buying an aquarium full of fish or if you already own one, then you cannot afford to stop there.
Just like any other pets, fish in aquariums require a lot of care and attention. You cannot just throw fish into an aquarium and expect them to survive and thrive. You must purchase the proper aquarium supplies for your fish.
I’m pretty passionate about this subject because owning a pet supplies store I have seen far too many people choose to own fish because “they are easier and require less than other pets.
” While this is true on many levels, it is no excuse for people to not buy the proper kinds of aquarium supplies for their pets.
If you are unsure of what kinds of aquarium supplies you might need for the fish you have purchased or are hoping to purchase, then look no further than to a pet supply store for help.
Go to a store near you and talk to someone that is knowledgable about aquarium supplies.
Ask all of your questions and allow them to lead to aquarium supplies that are reasonable and necessary for the livelihood of your fish.
Make sure that you have a full understanding of the needs of your fish before you purchase them. You need to realize that fish take work just like any other pet and that something will be required of you in taking care of them.
If you aren’t quite ready to visit a pet supply store, then go to your local library and find some resources on starting an aquarium and filling it with the right aquarium supplies.
There are many great resources out there, you just need to find them and learn what you can. You can also benefit greatly in learning about the proper aquarium supplies by doing an internet search based on the kinds of fish you have or are thinking of purchasing.
When it comes time to actually purchase aquarium supplies, you’ll want to make your way back to the pet supplies store.
No where else will you find as great of help from people who really know what they are talking about. So get to your local petshop and find all the aquarium supplies you need.
And don’t worry, most aquarium supplies come in a wide variety of price ranges, so don’t feel obligated to run off and buy the most expensive ones. Instead, go for what fits your budget.
Having fish can be a great and fun thing. Just be sure to fill your aquarium with the right supplies and your fish will live long and stay happy.
Maintaining your Fish Bowls
Maintaining your fish bowl can be difficult sometimes. However, your fish bowl should be kept as hygienic as possible.
Doing so should help prevent any health care problems for your fish. When you are cleaning your fish bowl, do it as quickly as possible, because it is dangerous for your fish to be out of its fish bowl. Only clean your fish bowl with a cleaner that is safe for your fish.
Also, be sure to let the water return to whatever temperature is right for your fish before you put your fish back in its fish bowl.
Make sure that any special equipment that your fish bowl has is working properly before you put it back in the fish bowl. If you maintain your fish bowl properly, you will be able to fully enjoy your pet fish.
Fish bowls are the single most important factor in your fishes happiness and health. No other decision you make as a fish owner will be as important as what fish bowl you get for your fish.
Therefore, it is critical to choose the fish bowl that is right for your fish.
Consider what type of fish you have when you buy a fish bowl. Some types of fishes require larger fish bowls than others.
Also take into consideration any special needs that your fish might have. For example, some fish bowls are built for only fresh water fish.
Others are built to provide warmth for your fish. If you are unsure of what kind of fish bowl to buy, consult your veterinarian. Also be aware that a fish bowl that is suitable for one fish may be too crowed for more than one fish.
Learn How to Keep Your Tropical Fish Healthy and Happy
Growing up, our family maintained at least two tropical fish tanks at all times. There was the “big tank” (the traditional rectangle aquarium) and the
“little tank” (the decorative jug-shaped tank that doubled as a lamp). I remember tapping on the glass gently to get the attention of the fish and being delighted when they seemed to respond by swimming close to my finger.
Ahhh . . . the joys and heartaches of keeping tropical fish. The joy comes from the many relaxing hours you spend gazing at the beautiful exotic tropical fish swimming around. The heartache when you find them floating belly up, having succumbed to some mysterious tropical fish disease or something wrong you did.
Freshwater Tropical Fish
First, I suggest finding some credible freshwater tropical fish information and reading up on the subject before going out to buy your first freshwater tropical fish.
These fish are delicate. And some need special care.
We had (at any given time): tropical angel fish, red Oscar fish, plain guppie and fancy tail guppie fish, kissing fish (these are fun to watch!), popeye fish (my sentimental favorite), scavenger fish (keeps the tank clean), and even a small pet shark.
While many of these fish may all come from the same waters, they may not all get along when plopped together in a small space.
A good tropical fish guide can teach you how to keep and breed tropical fish and give you recommendations for tropical fish to keep together. Believe me, if you make a mistake, you’ll see your share of fish fights!
Feeding Fish
One of the most important basics of tropical fish care is learning how and what to feed your fish. Tropical fish need a special diet and goldfish food won’t do.
When you buy your tropical fish online or from a reputable tropical fish dealer, you should also purchase the correct fish food for the specific types of fish you are keeping. If you don’t know what to buy – ask. And, please don’t overfeed the fish – they can die from overeating.
Oh yeah. Better learn about semi-aggressive tropical fish for tanks as well. We used to have a couple of mouth breeder fish that really liked those cute little frogs we put in their tank to add to the atmosphere.
While frogs aren’t technically fish, we never thought that our well-fed fish would enjoy frogs for dinner.
I still shudder at the memory of seeing that poor helpless tiny frog hanging from the jaws of that fish. We also saw aggressive fish pick on and take bites out of other non-aggressive fish. If you don’t separate them, eventually the non-aggressive fish will die.
Freshwater Aquarium Care
Aquarium care maintenance is a real responsibility. This is where your fish live 24/7 and they need a clean environment. This is a chore that needs to be done regularly so keep that in mind when considering setting up a home fish aquarium.
A good aquarium care guide can show you how to clean a fish tank with the fish in it, or you can transfer the fish to another holding tank while you clean the dirty one.
How do you clean a fish tank? Usually it involves taking a hose and draining out the dirty water, then replacing it with clean fresh water. Don’t forget to turn your pump back on after cleaning the pump filter.
If you have aquarium plants, you’ll also want to read up on aquarium plant care.
Tropical Fish Diseases
Unfortunately tropical fish are prone to diseases. Tropical fish medicine is available if your fish come down with fish ich or ick (a sticky white film on their bodies), or some other disease. You want to catch any disease in time before it kills them.
More Tropical Freshwater Fish Information
You can get complete fresh water tropical fish information online that can tell you all you need to know and more about live freshwater tropical fish.
There are also good articles on tropical fish keeping that are a good guide to keeping tropical fish healthy and happy.
Tropical fish are a wonderful addition to your home. With proper care and maintenance, you will get many hours of enjoyment out of your exotic home aquarium.
Fish Mounts And Your Trophy Catch
Fish mounts come in several shapes sizes, colors and materials. There is much more to them than you might at first think.
Whether you want to bring home a trophy to remind you of your recent fishing vacation or you simply want an attractive wall decoration that reflects your hobbies, you’ll have several options for the perfect fish mounts.
Traditional taxidermy
These are what we normally think of as fish mounts – or stuffed fish. They’ve been around for centuries and you can have the very fish you caught preserved for the future this way.
These fish mounts are actually the skin of the fish you caught stretched over a plaster or foam frame back into the life-like shape; in fact, so life-like you’d swear the fish was still swimming.
These kinds of wall mounts are then usually mounted in wood and glass cases and they may have a background painted in keeping with the fish mount.
To have this service performed on a fish you have caught, you should wrap the whole fish in a wet towel, taking care that the fins are flattened properly to the body of the fish.
Freeze the whole fish inside a plastic bag if you are choosing a taxidermist which isn’t in your local town or you can’t get to them immediately.
After all, you want your fish mount to be preserved in peak condition. In this way it can be mailed in an insulated box so it will still be frozen when it arrives with the taxidermist.
Conservation and pure squeamishness mean that taxidermy is not an option everyone wants to pursue. Now, however, there is an alternative way to get great fish mounts.
Fiberglass Replicas
These aren’t fish at all, but these fish mounts sure do look real these days. They are realistically painted and stylish; these types of fish mounts are lighter in weight than the traditional taxidermist’s art.
You can have your exact fish made into a replica by taking a series of photos of it from all possible directions.
A taxidermist or a specialist in fiberglass replica fish mounts will then reproduce this fish in perfect detail – while the fish lives to swim another day.
The background to your fiberglass replica fish mounts can then have a specially designed scene to match the particular conditions in which the fish was caught.
Many people would never be able to tell the difference between a traditional skin fish mount and a fiberglass replica fish mount.
It’s just as realistic and individual as the fish you caught, but you will have the satisfaction of knowing that the fish didn’t need to relinquish its life for you to have a great fish mount as your trophy reminder of a great day of fishing.
What Is Organic Fish?
Is there such a thing as organic fish? Surely all fish comes from the sea and eats whatever fish eat? How can we control that?
As far as I know, fish caught in the wild cannot be marketed as organic in the UK.
However, several supermarkets and many independent organic retailers now stock organic trout and salmon produced in fish farms.
Several types of farmed mussels and shellfish are also likely to become more widely available in the future.
In organic fish farming, many of the pesticides, dyes and antibiotics widely used in conventional fish farming are not permitted and so these fish products are generally accepted to be credible organic products by both the soil association and consumers.
However, from an animal welfare point of view, there is some controversy about allowing farmed fish to be labelled as organic.
Organic principles demand that livestock (which includes fish) should be able to express its ‘natural’ behaviour pattern and be kept as close to natural stocking densities as possible.
How can this be when they are kept in cages in either inland or in fish farms out at sea?
The true cost of fish farming
Fish farming seems like a practical solution to the problem of overfishing. Fish farming, however, is the cause of many problems. In the UK, its salmon thats most closely associated with farming – and its shortcomings.
Public demand for cheaper food means that farmed salmon are often kept, for financial reasons, very densely stocked, with huge numbers of fish crammed into very little space. In this state, the fish can more easily become diseased, and these diseases can spread to wild fish.
Huge amounts of antibiotics are required to keep the fish moderately healthy. Also a confidential study for the UKs top organic body highlighted gaps between its principles and the standards it accepted, BBC Newsnight reported.
Is organic fish sustainable?
Other problems are escapes, when farmed fish interbreed with wild fish and potentially weaken wild stocks, as well as pollution to the water and seabed around fish farms.
Farmed salmon, which are carnivorous, eat three times their body weight in fish feed, which is made from other fish – not the best use of resources from an environmental point of view.
What to Feed Saltwater Fish Aquariums
Anyone who has ever had a pet knows that one of the first things a responsible pet owner does is make sure their pet has a balanced diet.
They know that the healthy their pets eat, the more likely they are to lead long and healthy lives. Fish kept in saltwater fish aquariums are exactly the same.
The responsible saltwater aquarium owner knows exactly what types of food his fish needs to survive and makes sure they keep a ready supply of it on hand.
The first thing you need to know about feeding tropical fish is how much food they should be getting. The general rule of thumb is that when you feed your fish use a stopwatch and time how long it takes them to eat.
It should take approximently two minutes for the fish to finish eating. If the fish in your tank finish their food in less then two minutes they probably aren’t getting enough to eat.
If after two minutes there is still food left over then they are probably getting over fed and you’ll have to cut back.
A more accurate way of measuring how much food that fifty adult tropical fish should eat approximately ten grams of food in one month, but that can carry with variety and growth.
A balanced fish food typically consists of ten percent fat, thirty to thirty-six percent protein. There should also be amino acids.
The first step in feeding your fish responsibly is knowing what type of food they eat. Some fish can not be kept in a tank that has coral because they like to eat the little invertebrates that make the coral their home.
Predatory fish typically need to have frozen or live food. Bottom dwelling fish should be fed a type of food that is heavy enough to sink to the bottom of the tank,
these fish do not do well with fish foods that float on the tanks surface. Aquarium owners who are interested in breeding their tropical fish often feed their fish brine shrimp, which they raise in their own brine shrimp hatchery.
Many saltwater fish aquariums caretakers like using automatic fish food feeders. Automatic fish food feeders are feeders that can be clamped to the side of the aquarium.
Once the fish owner has loaded the hopper with food, the feeder will automatically dispense the food at regular intervals, this allows the fish owner to have more flexibility and not be forced to arrange their schedules around feeding their fish.
The average automatic fish food feeder is not capable of dispensing frozen or live food, which does make them convenient for predatory fish. Some absentee fish owners place food blocks in their aquariums.
Tropical fish owners should store their extra fish food in a cool dry place in containers that won’t allow moisture to seep in. Frozen fish food should be disposed of after three months.
One of the dangers in overfeeding fish is that the wasted food can wreck havoc on the pH levels of your aquariums water. If to much discarded food is contaminating the water it can contribute to the death of your fish.
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