pet supplies

is my child ready for a family pet

is my child ready for a family pet

is my child ready for a family pet  ? At some point every child asks that all time famous question. “Can I have a pet?” While owning a pet fosters responsibility and compassion, some children are just not ready to help take care of a pet.

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It is a huge responsibility and one that must be given careful thought.
There are many things you should consider as a family.

What kind of pet?

What kind of pet would fit into your life style best. There are many options from large dogs to little fish. You should carefully consider the needs of each and what you think will fit into you life style as well.

The happiest pet is one with happy owners that don’t feel stressed by its care and needs. You should study into types as well as breeds so you know exactly what to expect breeds.

Can you afford the addition of a pet?

Now that you have decided on a type of pet. You need to consider the cost of owning a petPets even if you are given on free are very expensive.

If you have a dog or a cat there will be vet visits, food, licensing, toys and supplies and if your pet should become sick there are medications they may need. Owning a pet is very expensive.

Do you have the time?

Animals require attention just like we do as human beings. The need to be feed, groomed, walked, played with. They need to know they are loved. With out proper care they will suffer.

Families that are going threw major changes such as a move or birth of a child or that work long hours may just not have the time. Kids and pets

My home

Do you live in an apartment? Is a pet ok with your landlord? Will you have to pay a separate pet deposit? Do you have the space? Is there room in the back yard for a pet to roam? Are there laws in your area regarding scooping and licensing? What are they?

My child

Is he or she ready? Owning a pet is a family matter. Never surprise your child with a pet they are not expecting. Expectations about the pets care and exercise should be laid out clearly.

Many children loose interest in a pet after the first few weeks and leave mom and dad to care for the pet.

Pets require gentle handling and understanding do you think your child is ready for that?

How do they react to animals you see out in public?

Are they rough, or afraid?

It may be better if they learn some animal care before you add a pet to your home. Visits to the local animal shelter are a wonderful start and often the staff is willing to teach basic animal care to children.

is my child ready for a family pet 2022


pet is a huge commitment. Many pets live for at least 15 years with proper care. Will you still want this commitment then? Puppies, kittens and such are cute, but they grow and have needs that must be met.

Your Pet’s Health – Protect Your Children

If we had to name two things children want, it could be easily covered under the titles, pets and toys. We all loved toys as children and still love our pets even as adults. is my child ready for a family pet

Pets play an important role in their owners’ lives. Some pets have even been known to save lives and learn to dial 911 in an emergency. As companions, they provide us with warmth and friendship, as well as undying loyalty.

Some pets have special training and can assist people with disabilities. Others are great hunters and protectors of our property and our families.

For a child, a pet means even more. For children, a pet represents many things. They learn about relationships, compassion, responsibility, love, and so much more.

It is not impossible to raise a child without a pet, but their lives are greatly enhanced if they are allowed to have one.

No one can downplay the significance of owning a pet. The benefits far outweigh the pitfalls. However we have to know how to be safe when choosing a pet – especially when we have children.

Not only do we have to choose the right pet for our family, we also must keep our pets in good health to protect others in our household. And, keeping a pet healthy can be expensive.

Certain types of pets require more care than others and you should always consider whether or not you can afford not only the purchase of your pet, but also the ongoing care they will require.

However, your concern for your child’s health is directly related to your concern for their pet’s health. There are diseases that a child or even an adult can contract from pets. Keeping your pet healthy is very important to your child’s health.

Zoonotic diseases or Zoonosis are terms used to describe diseases that can be transferred from animals to humans. Normal contact with an animal or contact with an animal’s bodily fluids can result in the transfer of disease.

I don’t want to scare parents away from getting a pet for their child because as I said, the benefits of owning a pet far outweigh the dangers and drawbacks if you take the necessary precautions. Here are 10 tips you should follow when choosing a pet for your child.

1. Do not buy a pet from disreputable dealers who keep large numbers of animals caged together waiting to be sold.

2. Always check the facilities where the animal was kept while waiting to be sold. If the conditions there are bad, then likely the condition and the care of the animal prior to sale was likely bad also.

3. Find out what care has been provided to the animals, by a licensed Veterinarian, prior to being sold.

4. Read whatever tips you can find about the type of pet you are purchasing for your child. You should know any diseases that type of pet is known to be susceptible to. is my child ready for a family pet

You should know all about the proper shelter, food, and care your child’s pet will require. Reading up on this prior to purchase is a good idea, so you will know what you are getting into.

5. Clean your pet’s shelter and make sure all feces are removed daily.

6. Make sure you have a qualified Veterinarian examine the pet before you hand it over to your child.

7. Bathe your child’s pet regularly. Keep in mind your child will be in constant contact with their pet. Whatever the pet gets into, your child gets into.

8. Make sure your children get into the habit of washing their hands every time they handle their pet.

9. Stay current with all vaccinations and checkups your Veterinarian recommends. If your pet seems ill, keep your child away from them until you can get them to a Veterinarian. Is My Child Ready For A Family Pet

10. Teach your child how to handle your pet to avoid having it injure your child. Make sure they know not to squeeze it too tightly, pull on its extremities, agitate it, or tease it unnecessarily.

These 10 tips I am providing you are by no means all the things you need to be aware of. Specific types of pets have different rules you need to be aware of about handling and caring for them.

You should include your child in the learning process where possible so they understand why those rules are necessary. Read up on the pet you are bringing into your home and spend time discussing your questions and concerns with your veterinarian. is my child ready for a family pet

I hope this article has been helpful to you as a parent. Remember, know what you are getting into before you choose a pet for your child. What you don’t know could cost you in more ways than one. is my child ready for a family pet

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